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Monday, October 11, 2010

Top 10 weapons named after people

10. Tommy gun:
The Thompson sub-machine gun was invented by American army general John Taliaferro Thompson and US navy commander John N. Blish. It became known as the Tommy gun and was popular with gangsters during the 1920s.
9. Sten gun:
The name comes from the initial letters of the surnames of the weapon’s inventors, Major Reginald V. Shepherd and Harold J. Turpin, combined with the first two letters of England (or, according to some authorities, Enfield), where it was first made.
8. Shrapnel:
This name was originally given to the exploding shells invented by British officer Henry Shrapnel (1761-1842). Fragments of bombs are also often called shrapnel.
7. Molotov cocktail:
This was a crude but effective bomb made with a petrol-filled bottle and fuse. It was given its name by the Finns in about 1940 who used it during the war against Russia. They called it a cocktail for Molotov. Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov (1890-1986) was the Soviet Prime minister at the time.
6. Mills grenade:
This hand grenade was designed in 1915 by William Mills (1856-1932). An estimated 70 million were used by the British during World War I. Mills was knighted in 1922.
5. Mauser:
The Mauser bolt-action rifle was developed in 1898 by German brothers Wilhelm (1834-82) and Peter Paul Mauser (1838-1914). They also invented an automatic pistol.
4. Luger:
Gunmaker George Luger (1849-1923) pioneered the P-08 pistol that bears his name in 1898. This weapon was adopted by the German army and was widely used during both World Wars.
3. Avtomat Kalashnikova (AK-47):
This deadly assault rifle was invented by Mikhail Kalashnikov of Russia. Symbol of innovative weapon, its designing phase started during the World War II and after the war it was committed to the Soviet Army.
2. Congreve rocket:
This weapon was named after British inventor, Sir William Congreve (1772-1828). It was used in battles against Napoleon in the early years of the 19th century.
1. Big Bertha:
Big Bertha was a 144 tonne cannon used by the German army to shell Paris from a distance of 122 km during World War I. The name of this weapon came from the Bertha Krupp von Bohlen and Halbach (1886-1957), who inherited the German Krupp armaments business from her father, Friedrich Alfred Krupp.

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